Your Cock Ring Metaphor Is About 19 Months Behind Schedule UK!


If this bitch rant is anything to go by, then the world is about 19 months behind the international trend-setters that is the Rainbow Nation!  The BBC reports that this past weekend saw the launch of an anti-homophobia in sport campaign in the UK.  The campaign, Right Behind Gay Footballers (#rbgf), is being run by Stonewall (@StonewallUK) and involves footballers wearing rainbow laces on their boots and wrists (and cocks?) to support the closet cases among them. Apparently Stonewall supports UK athletes coming out of the closet land-sliding out of the closet and getting up to this kind of buffoonery.

Although this is a noble cause, and although I definitely support professional athletes loving on the peen, this campaign is over a year behind South Africa. I am of course referring to the Blue Bulls who have been donning their glorious fuchsia jerseys since last year February. No, the switch from blue to labia-minora-pink was not in support of breast cancer research and it was not for raising awareness about domestic abuse.  The Blue Bulls’ flip-flop on the colour wheel was not even a PR campaign for one of their main sponsors (Puma). No, the Blue Bulls obviously decided to publicly start supporting the gays (OBVEE).

I guess better late than never hey…but I still think our candy-floss and bubblegum barf jerseys are prettier than the UK’s cock rings wrist strings…



Finally, a channel on DSTV I can watch

I remember when my family got DSTV and I could go to broke whores at school “Your MNet ain’t SHIT bitch!”.  Recently, however, DSTV has become a bigger disappointment to my family than me introducing them to my friend and room ream mate Jabulani. Imagine my delight after learning about the glorious train wreck that is the new 24-hour news channel.  ANN7 (DSTV 405) launched this week and what a launch it was! I wasn’t fortunate enough to watch the mess in it’s entirety, but News24 reports some top class fuckery in addition to the clip available on Youtube. If this is the kind of homegrown Youtube talent bitches were talking about then I retract ALL my previous statements, because this is pure gold!

Everything from the sound to the presenting (including their whore-drobe) was a mess!  Who needs BBC or CNN when you can have … [awkward pause] … Carolyn and Marlien give you awkward silences, some Anne-Hathaway-looking skank mispronouncing names of politicians or the hoes in post cutting off half of the story headline?! I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Guptas for taking African Television to a WHOLE new level of WTF. I love it! Keep up the good work and keep giving Mzansi more of THIS:

ANN7 Side eye

